Strange Superpowers People Have In Real Life

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love running, and those who think anyone who says they love running is a liar. But then, there's also Dean Karnazes, who can run for just about forever — and he has. Karnazes has run hundreds of miles in all kinds of conditions, including a South Pole marathon in sub-zero temperatures. In 2005, he ran 350 miles in 80 hours and 44 minutes non-stop, and in the following year, he ran 50 marathons in 50 days. Strangest of all? He's never once felt the cramps and burning pain that makes most ordinary people stop running after just a short distance.

He told The Guardian, saying, "To be honest, what eventually happens is that I get sleepy. I've run through three nights without sleep, and the third night of sleepless running was a bit psychotic. I actually experienced bouts of 'sleep running,' where I was falling asleep while in motion, and I just willed myself to keep going." How?

In 2006, he visited a testing center that could measure various biological processes that governed athletic ability, and he says that he was pretty ordinary until they tested his lactate threshold. In a nutshell, as glucose breaks down into energy, it creates lactate. When it's made faster than it's flushed out of the blood, that's what causes the pain. Karnazes's body doesn't accumulate lactate, no matter how far he runs — and that basically means that he can run, pain- and cramp-free, forever.
